Thursday, September 16, 2010

Flan, Shoes and Cathedrals

Well ladies and gents, I found them.

My spanish shoes. I was just walking around, innocently minding my own business when Brian and I came upon the Camper store. THERE'S A CAMPER STORE!
It's full of...beautiful shoes. And, well, as I'm sure you can all imagine, it was love at first sight.

Following my conquest, we walked into the Alcazar, which is what it says on the map. Not exactly sure what the story is there, but it's a beautiful part of the city with a giant cathedral, fountains, plazas and yellow & pink buildings. But not cheesy yellow and pink - perfect yellow and pink.

We also found a small tapas bar with an inner courtyard and ate some more great food. I'm happy to report that the gazpacho here DOES taste like the gazpacho I make at home...except that it's puréed to a pulp. I'm on the hunt for the best flan, so needless to say we eat lots of dessert.

So aside from eating and walking, we don't really do much! It's perfect! Brian has mastered the art of mimicking my walk - it's not exactly flattering, but it's a little bit hilarious in its likeness. We were walking to find café con leche this morning, and he stopped me in the street, jutted his head out in front of him and commenced walking at triple speed, arms swinging.
Yep, that's me.

Okay, up, up and away we go!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates,you have a very special way of writing. LOVE IT!! Shocking that you found shoes!?!? I am very jealous of your travels but hopefully one day will get my hubby over the big pond!! LOL.
Enjoy your time, adventures and each other.

Gwen said...

Yes, but you're tiny. Brian probably has exactly twice your leg length, so he could walk at half stride and still hit the same speed.

Woo, too early for THAT. Anyway, I would like a photo of Brian doing the walk. In motion, preferably, so his legs are all blurry.

According to Wiki, Alcazar is some sort of palatial region. Could it be where kings and queens used to summer? Or maybe, still do?
big hugs to both of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi- we would also like a video of the "Brian Walk"!
Glad you are enjoying Seville - we really liked it when there 12 years ago (despite being ripped off $30 by a slick flim-flam parking attendant.

Yes,Alcazar is lovely - my journal notes remind me that it was a 14th century palace and is the oldest royal residence in Europe still in use - is used by the current king when he is town. Lots of intrigue over the years.Lovely gardens.

Keep having fun - looking forward to Morocco reports.
Nanaimo Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

ahhh that's the Leanna traveller I know, constantly on a holy quest to find THAT pair of perfect Campers, AND THAT ultimate piece of flan... keep on questing my dear. And if you upload photos, I wanna see shoes! and Brians! And pink and yellow perfection too... have fun :) xxsAllison