Monday, January 01, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR from ol' San Francisco!

Well guys, 2007. How's it feel so far? Pretty good over here on this end - a little warmer than we're used to...and there's that big thing in the sky, really off heat...sometimes we see it in the summer? It's pretty great.
Andrew and I got in to San Francisco last night and spent about an hour finding parking - can you believe that we have to pay $23 a DAY for parking????? This is crazy business. But better to have it tucked away than have to worry about driving it around all over this land of no-left-turns-and-one-way-streets.
But eventually we did make it out to ring in the new year - down at the waterfront (the embarcadero) with about a hundred gazillion other people, which made for some really excellent people watching. Nothing like smushing a whole variety of locals and other folk together to get a picture of what this place is made of!
So far I think Vancouver shares many qualities with San Fran, a real diversity of people and neighbourhoods, though it seems much more dense here. (probably because it is). But I do get the sense that the people here are a little...disenchanted by tourists. So it's harder to really tap into real conversation with the locals. I guess this is normal - and probably we're the same way in Vancouver, or in any major city for that matter. It's likely because I've juxtaposed my experiences in smaller towns where people are curious, with these first days here. Not fair really - apples and oranges.

In any case, we're still having a ball - AND I can safely say that Andrew and I are getting along swimmingly! (I just confirmed this with him - though he just admitted to trying to poison me in my sleep.) meh.

Happy New Year dear friends and family!
See you soon (or not)
Tomorrow is biking around town and over the golden gate. Hurrah!


Gwen said...

Happy 2007 kids, glad to hear your trip is moseying along through greatness! Beautiful photos - Yosemite looks amazing! -And of course SF sounds like a wonderful place to be, and in good company - I am jealous of your trip :) Hope the biking went well...nothing to report from here. OH - the year changed!! Seriously, I've checked like, EVERY CALENDAR - they all changed. What will they think of next?
p.s. Andrew, stop trying to poison Leanna in her sleep. That is not what we pay you for.
p.p.s. photo of Leanna with coffee mug, and photo of Andrew in front of building - both worthy of some kind of 'road trip photography' coffee table book.

Gwen said...

Happy 2007 kids, glad to hear your trip is moseying along through greatness! Beautiful photos - Yosemite looks amazing! -And of course SF sounds like a wonderful place to be, and in good company - I am jealous of your trip :) Hope the biking went well...nothing to report from here. OH - the year changed!! Seriously, I've checked like, EVERY CALENDAR - they all changed. What will they think of next?
p.s. Andrew, stop trying to poison Leanna in her sleep. That is not what we pay you for.
p.p.s. photo of Leanna with coffee mug, and photo of Andrew in front of building - both worthy of some kind of 'road trip photography' coffee table book.

Mark said...

What an amazing looking trip! I love the pictures - they have so much atmosphere, and you two are so photogenic. I can't wait to hear all 19 stories (yep, i'm totally expecting there must be more than the legendary '18'). Missing you back here in the 'hood... get back so we can go for a steaming cup o' jj.
