Monday, September 20, 2010

Figuig: Land of Fi...Dates

Just in case the title isn't clear, Figuig is a date palm oasis - not a fig factory.

It is amazing here. We bussed in from Oujda, taking us 7 hours into the desert, to the easternmost corner of Morocco. It's everything my imagination told me it would be but BETTER!

Last night we were walking around Oujda looking for a place to eat when some fellas approached us with a 'bon soir'. Usually, as a lone woman traveller I quickly bon soir back, keep my head down and keep walking. But with the awesome company that is Brian, we actually talked back enough to get invited to tea. It turns out both of these guys are from Figuig (I know, I thought they were pulling my leg too...but nope, truly they're from here.)

Momo and Abdel proceeded to walk us around town, warn us of bad guys, and set us up with Momo's cousin who lives in Figuig. Momo also invited us over to his house (on a Sunday night at 10pm) for cous cous (since Brian's in a state of anticipation, not having eaten ANY cous cous since we left home). Anyways, point is, Momo volunteered his mom for this hospitality. We graciously declined. But we did leave with a mitful of phone numbers and a feeling of really being welcomed to this part of the country.

THEN on today's bus ride in I had the good fortune of sitting beside a woman. She's about my age, a teacher, and is a member of the association des droits humains (human rights). She shared her story with me and all I can tell you is that I am so lucky to have heard it. She has invited us to stay with her on our way from Figuig to the Draa Valley. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the kind of place where you are invited into people's homes.

So tonight, the menu is cous cous. I will have a happy belly and special man-friend-husband on my hands :)


Anonymous said...

Hi kids
Keep the blog coming - it is great.
It is so true that the unexpected encounters give understanding and richness to a holiday like yours.
Mom, Dad and Thelo

BrightLights said...

lovely to hear your travelling tales!! glad to hear you are enjoying it to the max and discovering new places and new things about each other - I look forward to seeing Brian do the Leanna walk :-)
lots of hugs!
Susana, Patricio and Chayla

Ang O said...

Love reading your blog! It is great!!!!
Keep having a blast!
P.S" I love THE shoes!

Gwen said...

This is an amazing story, and makes me want to try traveling with someone! How about that. I also want someone to start a book with: "Seven hours into the desert, in the easternmost corner of Morocco . . . " Probably Wilbur Smith. Anyway. Keep it up :) I love your travel stories!

Joy said...

Wow, the photos are just gorgeous and you both look soooo happy! You really know how to travel when you're getting invited to stay with the natives ... such fun!
Thanks for sharing,