Monday, July 30, 2007

Full moon and the Dalai Lama

Today is the full moon and tomorrow the Dalai Lama will come through town. The roads are buzzing with activity!
The family that runs the guesthouse has just repainted their outside wall, and the mother was out yesterday sweeping the streets with her neighbours. People have built offering stands at the side of the road: made from mud bricks with a hollow cone perched on top in order to house the incense and offerings.
The Dalai Lama will be teaching for two days in Diskit and Nubra, so I think I'll follow him there (the 7-8th)...which means that I'll be doing a small "two day trek through roadless villages" tomorrow. Hah! I just drafted a rough sketch of a schedule and have realised (again) that time just won't stay put!

It's only been just over a week since I've been in India, and I feel like I've lived at least three. Leh has been wonderful, I've met some beautiful people (I'll post photos when I get back into a city) and I've seen so many beautiful places!

I was feeling conflicted the other day: do I see as much as I can? or do I take it easy and travel slower...missing out on variety, but increasing in quality (maybe?).
Nilsa, the daughter of the guesthouse family tells me I think too much.
It's true.

I've since decided that I'll just go where I want when it feels right - and make an agreement with myself not to feel regretful if I go home feeling like I haven't seen enough. Because the truth is I will never see everything. So - it's about quality. I'll just have to follow my gut.

SO the plan as it stands is to go do this walk from Likkir to Tsamisgang, then head to the Nubra Valley, then to the Dah Hanoo Valley...then back to Leh, and then to Varanasi.

So far, as of today, that's where it lays. But I'm not silly enough to think that this won't change! So voila.

And on to the next thing - the sankar gompa, and then a lecture at the ecological society. (very cool! ecological society, and Ladhaki women's alliance - free lectures! sweet!)

1 comment:

Hollyhock said...

I hope you are getting lots of pictures, Leanna. I'm so glad you are enjoying this opportunity to travel as you are. Your Mom and I were speaking about this just this morning - we're both so proud of you! Love, Nana.